"Do ask Henry where got it." "But they used to take morphia and cocaine." "And what makes it worse, she thinks of her self as meat." (53)
This section was confusing at first, as result of the unidentified characters speaking. But, once the reader puts names to the respective voices talking, she discovers that this serves a bigger purpose. The purpose is distinguishing the explanation of society to delving into the thought of those who live in this society. In the beginning of the story Huxley was explaining, with the D.C.H, Henry Foster, and Mustapha Mond spewing facts of society. But, after the tour this changed to introducing Main Characters, and the relationships between them. And, this chapter long transition switches between those two modes very smoothly. This switch begins with hage paragraph alternating between Mustapha Mond outlining a brief history and Lenina in the locker room. Then these paragraphs become smaller and alternate between conversations more frequently until Mustapha Mond's lecture ends and all thats left is interactions between other characters. This affectively changes the story's direction to problems in need of solutions.
So who's speaking in the excerpt you included? What's significant about that line?