Sunday, April 29, 2012

The Scarlet Letter- Ending

"He is merciful" (197)

The ending proposes that Hester and Dimmsdale were finally forgiven for their sin years ago. After Dimmesdale confessed, he died as though his confession to the townspeople was the last thing that he had to do to obtain peace. Dimmesdale died to stop the anguish that he felt on earth. Chillingsworth died do that Hester could live in peace, knowing that he was not going to punish her. Hester and Pearl finally moved away from the town that caused them so much pain and suffering to have a chance at a happy life. The towns people the cursed stigma off of Hester, but executed Miss Hibbons, showing that they did not truly change. Their judgemental manner will continues to persecute those who are different from the norm for generations to come.

The Scarlet Letter- Ergot

"Lost regular and healthy throb, wandered without a clew in the dark labyrinth of his mind"(127)

It is believed by many that the Salem Witch Trials was strongly effected by a fungus that grew in the wheat harvest called Ergot. This particular fungus causes severe hallucinations and other mental disorder, most of which similar to Schizophrenia. This could explain allot about this novel. For example how Miss Hibbons goes out to the forest and talks to the "Dark Man". This could explain why everyone is Scare of the devil. They think that they are cured with strange mental occurrences that they can not talk about for fear of being persecuted as a witch, so they point fingers at others. Dimmsdale's scarlet letter could be nothing more than a delusion, thinking that there has always been an A on his chest. He covers it with his hand so that no one else will see it.

The Scarlet Letter- Alienation

"The town was asleep, there was no peril of discovery." (113)

In the first half of the novle, Hester was secluded, and alone even in the presce of others. Now, Dimmesdale is secluded. He is a leader of the community. But in all of his interactions with his parishoners, he was not truly with them. He was alone in his mind. On the night he was on the scaffold, he was alone in every sence. Even when he screamed in pain, few people strerred. The only one that saved him from this lonley night was Hester. When she came up the lane Dimmesdale changed from depressed and homisidal to relived at the site of them. Talking to Hester and Pearl, he became present, and he could bear the harsh worls in which he built arround himself. Both Hester and Dimmsdale were alone without eachother. They cured each other of lonleyness.

The Scarlet Letter- The A

"The letter was a symbol of her calling" (123)

The scarlet letter was originally meant to be a punishment set by society toward Hester Prynne, so all would know of her past crimes. Hester, being a religious person believe the letter to be her own personal curse. As evident by her strength in public, she did not care what others thought of her. The letter significance also changes throughout the story, and its meaning is different to different characters. The towns people at first meant it to be a symbol of her curse. Over time and Hester's charity toward others, many of them changed their minds and thought it to stand for able, a symbol of strength. Lastly, the scarlet letter is present in Dimmsdale as well, invisible, known only to him. To dimmsdale, his marks is worse than Hester's because he has to endure it alone, but refuses to tell anyone else.

The Scarlet Letter- Irony

"kind to the least of society" (124)

Hester Prynne was accused of creation of the devil spawn, shunned from society, and still had love for others. She showed kindness to those who she made dresses for, even though they were probably not kind. She would make garments for those who could not afford them. In all these things that she did for the good of others, she was not thanks, the work she did got little appreciation yet she continued to show goodwill to those who despised her. All the while, the townspeople were chastising her and gossiping about her, and refused to show her any good will. Which of these would more readily be proclaimed evil? Even though Hester Prynne was cursed to where the scarlet letter, it was the towns people who where not fit to call themselves people of God. Even the ministers persecuted innocent women just because of rumors claiming witch craft.

Sunday, April 22, 2012

The Scarlet Letter- The Secret

"Should have the handlings of such malefactresses as this Hester Prynne. What think ye, gossips? I the hussy stood up for judgment before us five...come off with such a sentence as the worshipful magistrates?...Marry, I trow not." (38)

For a town so small, Hester Prynne keeping a known secret so big must be killing some of the towns people. If this had been a normal secret, like who stole something trivial and the townspeople knew that one of their own knew information, that person would be hounded. It would never be acceptable just to passively walk away with the secret. Hester Prynne did not just walk away. She got a heavier sentence, but she was able to keep her secret. The towns people must have tried everything while she was in jail, before the opening scene. After all that and being asked in front of everyone at her hearing Hester told no one. This added on to her shunning from the society. Now, she was an adulterer and she had a dangerous secret that she would not reveal. In the 21st century, this would be seen as honorable, protecting another, so you can bear the burden, but only worsened Hesters, punishment, both from society and the law.

The Scarlet Letter- Style

This novel is written in a frame story. The first frame is in the Custom house at present. The second lesser frame is of the man intrigued by the story enough to write it down. And the most in depth frame, Hester's story in the late 17th Century. Because of this style of writing, the reader sees generations of townspeople recounting Hester's story as some cautionary tale, instead of learning compassion for other. The generations that were told this story through Prynne perspective, should have learned from it. They could have learned that everyone is equal, but instead the frame will keep getting bigger generation after generation of townspeople happening upon the story with disgust or disinterest. This is what happens in the outer most frame in the Custom house.